Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What I have gotten out of this Awesome class

This class has had meaningful effects on my life. I have already looked into the composting within schools for my wife. It is hard though because most people do not accept change or offer to take on large challenges such as this well but I am still trying. I am also looking into additional home energy sources for my home. Learning about the CSA has opened up my eyes to think differently about things because I used to just go to the grocery store and buy what I wanted not what is in season. Another thing is that I did not know that the grocery stores are subsidized with our tax money for transportation, which was something that blew me away. This class has opened my eyes to many other possibilities such as having smaller school districts in the future. This class has also opened my eyes to the power crisis and also the kid crisis. Kids definitely need to be out doors and use other senses in addition to just seeing and hearing.

I have taken many things from this awesome class. First are different options and ideals about different energy and environmental problems or dilemmas that we as a country will face in the near feature. I have also received a “need to do something” attitude from this class. No one person can save us from these problems that we face. It will take every person changing a little bit, while staying open-minded people for our country to rebound and become a well soybean oiled machine. Another thing I took away from this class is that we as adults need to teach the leaders of tomorrow about the outdoors, nature and about how valuable it is. They also need to be taught how to preserve and how to be active in the outdoors.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day Five

Day five was a day that that just came and gone we were very busy. Right after breakfast we had a very long discussion about topic like active education and outdoor education and how people can in corporate that in to of out of there class room. Then after lunch we went tried our hands and feet at the high ropes course and that was with the help of Kevin and Annie.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today we went to the Wild Center otherwise known as the Natural History Museum Of The Adirondacks and it was multimedia and had things for you to touch and a couple trails to hike but the otters were the coolest thing to watch then after sopping at the world famous Hoss's we went to the Adirondack museum and the thing that I liked the most there was the logging display. Right now I am going to try to wet my line and catch a fish before dinner.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Third Day of ADK

Last night most of the students went in to the wood heated sauna, and today I woke up with a little bit of a sniffle because we were getting really hot in the sauna and the jumping in the freezing lake. This morning though was my first day of KP. KP is kitchen helpers that set the table and wash dishes. It is a really good Ideal. Today after breakfast we studied a little bit of the history of Huntington Camp and then we did a tour of the Camp and the boat house. and after lunch we all went kayaking in the lake. That was really cool because it was a good work out and it was actually my first time doing it. we had a little break to get cleaned up and then Karl should us how to use some different technology that I have never tried before and I probably would not have tried it unless Karl took the time to show use.

Day 2

Day two was a pretty active day we went to Ferd's bog and Bear mountain. We were lead by Ed Kanze. He is a really nice guy and seems to very educated about the ADK and other plants and animal around the country. He is a writer and his column was just ended because the paper went out of business. But the view from Bear mountain was awesome you could see everything around the bog and inlet. These are things that I would normally like to do, but it is even better through this class because I would not normally have different opinions and Ideals around me. OH, also we cause a Pickerel frog and a Gartner snake the had just eaten. That was pretty cool but I really hate the musk that the snakes gives off when it is threatened.

First day

The first day that I arrived I was really excited when I met the klein's, because they were also very excited to start this course. We parked at antlers then traveled by boat across the lake over to Huntington camp. Then we unloaded the equipment and received our assigned cabin and boys on one side and girls in the other. Then we ate dinner in the beautiful dinning hall. The people are great so fare. there is only eleven students. We were also introduced to Jack the gentleman who is the director of the camp, and his dog Addie who is scared of everybody, but only after she wakes up because in the morning she was okay.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Some information about this guy

I am taking this course as an elective within my sociology major, but I also am very excited about the class because it seems as though the subject matter is going to be interesting to me. I am really looking forward to the education aspect of the course but also being in the Adirondacks, a place where I have camped many times and really enjoy spending time and hopefully get to do some fishing.

I have not totally ruled out the possibility of someday being a teacher, but for now my degree is going to be in sociology and I am hoping to find a job in law enforcement. My experience in the Navy has really motivated me to go into the law enforcement field. Many of my responsibilities while in the Navy were very similar to what one might do in law enforcement and I really enjoyed the experience.

My professional goals in law enforcement are to move up the ranks in a city, county or state police agency and never lose sight of many of the passions about serving and protecting communities that I have now. I hope to always be in a profession that I continually find rewarding and challenging and rising to those challenges.

Like I said, I am not going into teaching, but I have always had an interest in it. Many of my family members are in education and although I frequently am present during their “venting” sessions, they all really love their jobs and I couldn’t imagine them doing anything else. This is pretty inspiring.

My goals for the week really are to learn more about the Adirondacks. I have visited quite a few times, but really to do more relaxing than learning and even though I don’t have a classroom to bring this information back to, I am looking forward to impressing my family with all my new knowledge of the Adirondacks when I return.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First Blog

This is my first time writing a blog but it seems pretty interesting.